Wednesday, 16 January 2013



            Government of Kerala had approved and implemented the following schemes viz. : the Scheme for payment of grant under Women’s Industries Programme as per G. O. (Ms.) No. 56/80/ID dated 28.2.1980, as per G. O. (Ms.) No. 170/93/ID dated 28.12.1993 the Scheme for providing Margin Money Loan to SSI Units, as per G. O. (Ms.) No. 102/95/ID dated 6.7.1995 the Scheme for providing Margin Money Loan to SSI Units promoted by Non-resident Keralites, as per G. O. (Ms.) No. 92/2000/ID dated 11.7.2000 the Scheme for providing State Investment Subsidy, as per G. O. (Ms.) No. 2/2003/ID dated 2.1.2003 the Scheme for subsidy under Technology Development Fund, as per G. O. (Rt.) No. 920/2011/ID dated 27.7.2011 the Scheme for reimbursement of One Time Guarantee Fee and Annual Service Fee remitted under CGTMSE, as per G. O. (Rt.) No. 925/2011/ID dated 28.7.2011 the Self Employment Scheme for Educated Youth, as per G. O. (Rt.) No. 926/2011/ID dated 28.7.2011 the Women Industries Scheme and as per G. O. (Rt.) No. 941/2011/ID dated 1.8.2011 the Scheme for providing Turn Over Subsidy to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises engaged in the manufacture of Fruit and Vegetable based products.

            The ESS aims to merge and replace all the previous schemes titled the Entrepreneur Support Scheme 2012 to be operated in the State of Kerala with the following objectives from 01.04.2012.

            The new Entrepreneur Support Scheme intends to
(i)                 provide extensive support to micro, small and medium enterprises and
(ii)   give one time support to entrepreneurs, with due regard to special categories by     optimal utilisation of funds and giving more flexibility of operation while       implementing the Scheme.

            These guidelines, approved by the Government of Kerala, intend to simplify and explain the modalities of filing the Entrepreneur Support Scheme in the following modality.

Role of Industries Department
The Directorate of Industries & Commerce is an implementing agency of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise related policy decisions of the Industries Department of Government of Kerala.  The Directorate along with its subordinate field offices viz. District Industries Centres and Taluk Industries Offices are responsible for promoting/sponsoring, registering, financing and advising MSME (Micro Small and Medium Enterprise) industries in the State.

The role of the Department is to act as a facilitator for industrial promotion and gives all assistance to start and sustain the MSMEs (Micro, Small or Medium Enterprise).

      The major functions of the Department are:-
1.      Identify entrepreneurs and motivate them.
2.      Provide project ideas/project profiles/project feasibility advice/business management advices/guidance.
3.      Give appropriate technology sourcing/knowhow/evaluation/tie ups with national and international partners.
4.      Provide information on the availability of infrastructure/market/machinery details & suppliers/raw material source & dealers.
5.      Conduct Seminars/Entrepreneurship Development Programmes/Exhibitions to assist stakeholders.
6.      Issue due Acknowledgement for applications filed by MSM Enterprises.
7.      Provide all requisite handholding services to the unit to start operation and meet statutory requirements.
8.      Extend facilitation and personal supervision service for project clearances/ documentation.
9.      Act as a liaison with financial institutions/other departments/agencies.
10.  Prepare and forward Technical Feasibility Reports to Financial Institutions for Loan.
11.  Assist the unit to get necessary licenses/clearances/NOC from statutory bodies through Green Channel Counter/Single Window Clearance Board.
12.  Extend financial assistances to the unit under the different schemes undertaken by Government to promote Industrialisation.
13.  Organise/assist Entrepreneurship Development Clubs in Schools/Colleges to promote industrial culture among the youth.
14.  Identify and revive sick units under Sick Unit Revival Programme.
15.  Assist revival of industrial Clusters and co-operative societies.
16.  Implement other department/Government of India schemes.
17.  Acquire, develop land for the benefit of entrepreneurs by establishing Industrial Development Plots/Areas/MIEs.
18.  Act as a sounding board for the industrialists in the various forums.
19.  Issue all essential documentation to the industry to run/acquire assets/procure controlled items for industrial purpose.
20.  Create and extend infrastructural requirement for the development of industries.
21.  Promote Entrepreneurship.
22.  Care for the environment while promoting industry.

            The first line executive officer of the Department viz. The Industries Extension Officer who works in the Block Level acts as the main facilitator for the industrialists. The Industries Extension Officers shall:-
  1. Identify potential entrepreneurs by conducting congregation, Seminars, Entrepreneur Development Programmes, workshops, investors meet and disseminate information about the ESS.
  2. Educate the financial institutions in his/her bock/area of jurisdiction on the various aspects of the ESS.
  3. Assist the entrepreneurs to obtain the necessary documentation for applying for assistances under ESS.
  4. Assist the entrepreneurs to fill up the application for ESS and submit the application with all requisite documents.
  5. Follow up with the beneficiaries and watch out the progress of their functioning.

Part 1
Definition and explanation
1.         The definitions for the terms mentioned in this Manual are used only for the purpose of this Scheme and not applicable elsewhere.

(i)                 Entrepreneur: A person who has filed Entrepreneur Memorandum as per MSMED Act 2006 before the Industries Department and has taken effective steps to set up an industrial unit. (For the purpose of this scheme “effective steps” means purchase of land, apply for bank loan, placing orders for purchase of machinery or other demonstrable event in the life cycle of an industry.

(ii)               Enterprise: An industrial unit falling under Micro, Small or Medium category in the MSMED Act 2006.

(iii)             Women enterprise: An enterprise in which at least 50% of the promoters are women.

(iv)             Young entrepreneur: An entrepreneur between the age of 18 and 45. In case of more than one promoter, then to be eligible for assistance under this Scheme, all the promoters shall be between the age of 18 and 45. At the time of filing application for assistance under Entrepreneur Support Scheme, the entrepreneur (s) should have attained 18 years of age as on the 1st April of the concerned financial year and should not have attained 46 years of age as on the 1st April of the concerned financial year.

(v)               Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe entrepreneur: An entrepreneur belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes under The Constitution Amendment (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950/The Constitution Amendment (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950 (as amended by Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976. In case of more than one promoter, then to be eligible for assistance under this Scheme, at least 50 % of the promoters shall be SC/ST.

(vi)             Negative List: List of Industries declared by Government from time to time, which are not to be encouraged by giving any Government financial assistance.

(vii)           ‘Pucca’ building: Buildings used exclusively for industrial purpose; designed to be solid and permanent; built of substantial material such as stone, brick, cement, concrete with RCC roof.

(viii)         ‘Semi pucca’ building: Buildings built without substantial material such as stone, brick, cement, concrete and without RCC roof. In some such cases the building roof will be on four pillars without side walls.

(ix)             Non-conventional energy: Non-conventional sources of energy comprise those energy sources that are natural, inexhaustible as well as renewable viz. wind, tidal, solar, geo-thermal heat, biomass including farm and animal waste. (Hydro, coal, mineral oil, natural gas etc are conventional energy sources).

(x)               New Technology: Technology developed and transferred by recognized institutions.

(xi)             Recommending Authority: Kerala Financial Corporation in case of units financed by KFC and Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation in case of units financed by KSIDC. In all other cases, the recommending authority shall be the respective General Manager, District Industries Centres. The recommending authority shall accept applications, receive due application fees, process the applications, place them before the sanctioning authority and disburse the assistance.

(xii)           Sanctioning authority: General Manager, District Industries Centres in case of assistance for Startup support. The District Level Committees in case of Technology Support and the District/State Level Committees in case of Investment Support.

(xiii)         Bio degradable plastic: Plastics that will decompose in natural aerobic (composting) and anaerobic (landfill) environments.

(xiv)         Plastic waste recycling: Process of recovering scrap or waste plastic and reprocessing the material into useful products sometimes completely different in form from their original state.

(xv)           Bio fertilisers: A substance which contains living microorganisms which, enrich soil fertility and fulfill plant nutrient requirements by supplying the organic nutrients through microorganism and their by products.

Part 2
Eligibility for applicants
2.         All Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises engaged in manufacturing activities and set up in the State, which had filed Entrepreneurs Memorandum Part 1/II with the respective General Manager, District Industries Centre shall be eligible for this assistance. The applicant has to
(a)        apply in the prescribed Proforma,
(b)        provide necessary documentation and accounts and
(c)        execute an agreement with the notified authority to avail the assistance.
For the purpose of this scheme an industrial unit eligible for the Entrepreneur Support assistance shall be an independent legal entity.

Part 3
Entitlement of a successful applicant
3.         Entitlement in the scheme shall be limited to an amount of Rs. 30.00 (Thirty) lakhs per applicant unit to be availed only once.  The upper limit of Rs. 30.00 (Thirty) lakhs shall be enhanced by 5% per annum during the period of operation of the scheme to address the escalation of costs.  Subject to this maximum limit the assistance shall be limited to the fixed percentage of the composite investment upon
(a)        land,
(b)        land development costs,
(c)        building and improvement charges on existing building,
(d)       essential office infrastructure,
(e)        fixed cost of plant and machinery,
(e)        electrification,
(f)        generators and associated equipment e.g. invertors
All testing and pollution control equipments shall also be eligible for computing the composite investment cost. Working capital and recurring costs shall not be eligible.

4.         Out of all eligible applicants, 30% of the earmarked assistance shall be reserved for micro enterprises. Only in case of insufficiency of qualified applicants in the micro category, small and medium enterprises shall be considered. The following categories of applicants shall be preferred in the manner mentioned in the following paragraphs.

5.         An assistance of 15% limited to Rs. 20.00 (Twenty) lakhs will be payable on the fixed capital investment of all micro, small and medium enterprises set up in the State except those mentioned in paras 10 and 11.

6.                  All micro, small and medium enterprises established by entrepreneurs belonging to Women, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Young entrepreneurs shall be eligible for an assistance of 20% of the fixed capital investment limited to Rs. 30.00 (Thirty) lakhs.

7.                  The following have been declared as priority industries and all units, micro, small, medium enterprises included under priority sector shall be eligible for an additional assistance of 10% of the fixed capital investment subject to a ceiling of Rs. 10.00 (Ten) lakhs or as notified in the specific incentives announced for the sector from time to time.
a)      Rubber based industries
b)      Agro based and food processing industries
c)      Readymade Garments
d)     Industries manufacturing equipments and machinery for Non-conventional
energy generation
e)      Bio Technology based industries
f)       100% Export Oriented Units
g)      Bio degradable plastic industries
h)      Plastic waste recycling industries
i)        Bio fertiliser industries

8.                  In the case of all micro, small and medium enterprises set up in the districts of Idukki, Wayanad, Kasaragode and Pathanamthitta, there shall be an additional assistance of 10% of the fixed capital investment subject to a ceiling of Rs. 10.00 (Ten) lakhs.

9.                  In the case of micro, small and medium industrial units set up after acquiring new technology from approved research institutions, recognized as such by State or Central Government, there shall be an additional assistance of 10% of the fixed capital investment subject to a ceiling of Rs. 10.00 (Ten) lakhs.

10.              Assistance to any unit which has already received any subsidy or grant earlier under other schemes, from other Government Agencies, any State owned financial institution shall be limited to the balance remaining eligible assistance payable under the Entrepreneur Support Scheme. For eg. any unit which has availed assistance from such agencies or statutory Boards like MPEDA, Spices Board, Rubber Board, local bodies, etc. will be eligible for assistance limited to the balance remaining eligible assistance payable under the Entrepreneur Support Scheme. However an industrial unit which availed Margin Money Loan from Industries Department is eligible for assistance under Entrepreneur Support Scheme. In case the unit had availed start up support earlier, only the balance remaining eligible assistance will be admitted to the unit.

11.              The industries included in the Negative List and notified as such from time to time, Government controlled industries, public sector undertakings, units started by Government controlled agencies, units financed by KVIC/KVIB etc. shall not be eligible for any assistance under these rules.
Part 4
Powers and Services offered by the sanctioning authority
12.       The power to sanction assistances under the scheme shall be vested with the General Manager, District Industries Centre, District Level Committee and State Level Committee with the following composition. 

13.       District Level Committee:-
District Collector (Chairman); Lead District Manager; representative of Finance Department in Government; District Manager, KFC; representative of KSSIA District Committee and General Manager, District Industries Centre (Member Secretary). Cases involving eligible fixed capital investment up to Rs. 200.00 (Two hundred) lakhs only will be considered and sanctioned by District Level Committee.

14.       State Level Committee:-
Director of Industries & Commerce (Chairman); representative of Finance Department in Government; Managing Director, KSIDC; Managing Director, KFC; Director –MSME (DI); Representative of KSSIA State Committee; Convenor, State Level Bankers committee or representative and Additional Director of Industries and Commerce-General (Member Secretary). Cases involving eligible fixed capital investment above Rs. 200.00 (Two hundred) lakhs only will be considered and sanctioned by State Level Committee. In the case of State Level and District Level Committees the quorum of the Committee shall be four.

15.       It shall be the duty of the District Level Committee to notify schemes at the commencement of the financial year through press release/advertisement and accept applications year round. The applications received in each calendar month directly in paper and electronically will be processed electronically within the same quarter and placed before the District Level Committee to be convened every month.

16.       The recommending authority shall provide facility to receive the application and application fee of Rs. 1,000.00 (One thousand) per application either directly or electronically and issue receipt for the same. In case of SC/ST, the fee shall be limited to Rs. 500.00 (Five hundred) only. The Director of Industries & Commerce shall be competent to enhance the fee from time to time not exceeding 10% at a time.

17.       The recommending authority shall request and accept further documentation or clarification required from the applicant, associated agencies or stake holders of other departments. However, since the onus of the genuineness and bonafides of the claim lie with the applicant unit, the recommending authority need not resort to 100 % physical inspection/ verification of all applicant units, but may undertake a random verification. The Director of Industries & Commerce will separately issue guidelines for cases which require inspection or direct verification. The agency responsible for processing application for investment support shall also be answerable to Audit.

18.       The recommending authority shall post the information regarding each individual applicants and inform the outcome of the application directly or electronically at the end of the quarter. The decision of sanctioning authority shall be intimated to the party electronically within 24 hours and disburse the eligible assistance via the bank account of the applicant unit within 48 hours of the sanctioning and execution of the requisite agreement. In case the sanctioned amount is not disbursed within the stipulated time, then the recommending authority shall obtain the approval of the next higher authority.
Part 5
Obligations of the applicant entrepreneurs
19.       The applicant shall provide all required details and declare such information as to be true.
20.       The applicant shall pay the requisite application fee as stated in para 16.
21.       The applicant shall provide clarifications or further details sought by the recommending/sanctioning authority.
22.       The applicant shall allow inspection or verification of any details mentioned in the application including plant and machinery and all other assets if so required by the recommending/sanctioning authority.
23.       The applicant shall produce originals of any important documents if so required by the recommending/sanctioning authority for verification.
24.       The applicant shall execute requisite legal agreement online and if required on paper as and when the proposal is approved for implementation and furnish the signed hard copy subsequently via post or otherwise.
25.       The applicant shall utilise the amount received only in the manner agreed upon.
26.       The applicant shall operate the unit as stipulated in the agreement in which the quantum of support received failing which the assistance shall be resumed by restoring the provisions of Kerala Revenue Recovery Act.
27.       The applicant unit after availing the assistance shall furnish copies of balance sheets,         valid license from local body, electricity bills, performance particulars in the     prescribed proforma etc every year till the stipulated period before the 31st December         of the next financial year, as proof of their functioning to the notified authority.

Part 6
Elements of Fixed Capital Investments
28.       The principal elements of Fixed Capital Investment such as land, land development costs, building, essential office infrastructure, plant and machinery, electrification costs, testing equipment, generator, other energy generating equipment, pollution control equipment and investments on recycling of water, waste and rain harvesting if utilised for industrial purpose shall be admitted for assistances under Entrepreneur Support Scheme on the following basis. The Director of Industries & Commerce shall be competent to declare a component as essential to the unit on a case by case basis if differently titled.

29.              Land in the name of the unit, possessed and enjoyed by them evidenced by title deeds and considered essential to the running of the unit by the recommending authority shall be admitted for assistance. Land in the name of the proprietor/partner or partners/Director or Directors of the unit will also be considered for assistance as that of land in the name of unit, provided it is capitalised in the books and accounts of the unit. The stipulation of capitalisation in the books and accounts can be relaxed in the case of proprietorship units. The purchase costs (including stamp duty and registration charges) as per the deed or fair value of land whichever is lower shall be taken as the value of land. In the case of land on lease for atleast 10 years the lease value of land limited to 20% of the fair value of the land shall be admitted.

30.              Land development costs such as filling charges and leveling charges shall be eligible for assistance upon certification by a Civil Engineer not below the rank of an Assistant Executive Engineer of Government Department (Industries, PWD, LSGD, Irrigation, etc) or a Chartered Engineer, Institution of Engineers India/Approved Valuer of Institution of Valuers, India. The investment in land development admitted for assistance shall be limited to a maximum of 25% of the value of land admitted or valuation of the Engineer, whichever is lower. Cases in which land is not admitted/eligible for assistance, Land Development Costs are not admissible.

31.              Building essentially required by the unit including improvements in the existing structure and situated in free hold land in the name of the unit or in the name of the proprietor, Partner/Partners, Director/Directors of the unit, if it is capitalised in the Books and Accounts of the unit or in land on registered hire purchase or on lease to the unit for at least ten years shall be eligible for assistance subject to a cost ceiling per plinth area to be notified by the Director of Industries & Commerce from time to time. Building on land acquired on lease, where the lease deed for land has been executed/registered after the date of commencement of commercial production can also be considered for assistance, provided the period of lease of land in which the building under consideration is located is at least for 10 years. The plan, estimate and valuation shall be certified by a Civil Engineer not below the rank of an Assistant Executive Engineer of Government Department (Industries, PWD, LSGD, Irrigation, etc) or a Chartered Engineer, Institution of Engineers India/Approved Valuer of Institution of Valuers, India. Any civil structure not essentially related to production process shall not be eligible for assistance. However, civil construction for pump house, generator room, canteen, toilets, compound walls etc. whichever is necessary for production process, directly or indirectly, shall be eligible.

32.              All brand new identifiable items of essential office equipments viz. Air conditioner, fax, telephone, over head projector, computers, office furniture etc can be considered provided these costs are evidenced by invoices, proof of payments and a valuation certificate of a Mechanical Engineer not below the rank of an Assistant Executive Engineer of Government Department (Industries, PWD, LSGD, Irrigation, etc) or a Chartered Engineer, Institution of Engineers India/Approved Valuer of Institution of Valuers, India.

33.              The investment in Land, Land Development Costs, Building and Essential Office Equipments shall be limited to 50% of the total fixed capital investment.

34.       All brand new identifiable items of plant and machinery including tools, jigs, moulds as well as material handling equipments shall be eligible for assistance. Fabricated machinery shall be supported by a valuation certificate of a Mechanical Engineer not below the rank of an Assistant Executive Engineer of Government Department (Industries, PWD, LSGD, Irrigation, etc) or a Chartered Engineer, Institution of Engineers India/Approved Valuer of Institution of Valuers, India. Plant and machinery on hire purchase from National Small Industries Corporation shall be eligible for assistance on the basis of original value. Generator sets, other energy generating equipments shall also be considered as part of machinery for the purpose of computing the investment for assistance. No commercial or private vehicles, second hand machinery, crates, pallets and consumables, stores and items not directly involved in production process will be eligible for assistance.

35.       All testing equipments will be eligible for assistance at the rates specified for each category as mentioned in paras 5 & 6 if supported by a valuation certificate by a Mechanical Engineer not below the rank of an Assistant Executive Engineer of Government Department (Industries, PWD, LSGD, Irrigation, etc) or a Chartered Engineer, Institution of Engineers India/Approved Valuer of Institution of Valuers, India. Claim on this account can be considered independently without having to be a part of new, expansion, diversification and modernisation project. In any case the total eligible assistance including the assistance for testing equipments shall not exceed the maximum ceiling eligible specified for each category.

36.       All pollution control devices supported by consent letter of Kerala State Pollution Control Board and valuation certificate by a Mechanical Engineer not below the rank of an Assistant Executive Engineer of Government Department (Industries, PWD, LSGD, Irrigation, etc) or a Chartered Engineer, Institution of Engineers India/Approved Valuer of Institution of Valuers, India shall be eligible for assistance at the rates specified for each category as mentioned in paras 5 & 6. Claim on this account can be considered independently without having to be a part of new, expansion, diversification and modernisation project. In any case the total eligible assistance including the assistance for pollution control devices shall not exceed the maximum ceiling eligible specified for each category.

37.       Power connection costs to KSEB except security/caution deposit, transformer costs and costs of Industrial wiring including that for Generator Set will be eligible for assistance. These costs should be evidenced by invoices, proof of payments, and where industrial wiring costs and electrification exceeds Rs. 50,000.00 (Fifty thousand) by a certificate of valuation from an Electrical Engineer not below the rank of an Assistant Executive Engineer, Electrical Inspectorate/Kerala State Electricity Board or Chartered Engineer, Institution of Engineers India/Approved Valuer of Institution of Valuers, India. Power connection costs to KSEB, paid in instalments shall be eligible in toto upon certification.

38.       All investments on recycling of water, waste and rain harvesting if utilised for industrial purpose shall be admitted for assistance if evidenced by invoices, proof of payment and a valuation certificate by a Civil or Mechanical Engineer not below the rank of an Assistant Executive Engineer of Government Department (Industries, PWD, LSGD, Irrigation, etc) or a Chartered Engineer, Institution of Engineers India/Approved Valuer of Institution of Valuers.

39.       In case the total fixed capital investments claimed is less than Rs. 1.00 (One) lakhs, a valuation certificate from an Officer of Industries Department not below the rank of an Industries Extension Officer is sufficient. Transportation and erection charges shall not be taken for the purpose of computing assistance.

Part 7
General provisions
40.       The assistance under the Entrepreneur Support Scheme shall be released to the eligible entrepreneur (s)/unit in 3 stages. The 1st stage is named Startup Support, 2nd stage the Investment Support and the 3rd stage, the Technology Support. The Startup support is provided for enterprises prior to commencement of commercial production; Investment Support after the commencement of commercial production and Technology Support after commencing production on acquiring new technology.

41.       All applications for assistance under Entrepreneur Support Scheme shall be submitted online by the applicant through the designated website of Industries Department and produce the originals along with details of acknowledgement received at the time of filing online, before the Recommending Authority.

42.       The Officer while accepting the application form should examine whether all necessary details have been furnished. If any information is found inadequate, the same should be intimated to the applicant unit both electronically and otherwise and grant 10 days time to rectify the defects.

43.       A Committee shall be constituted in all offices of the Recommending Authorities who shall monitor all units which avail assistances under this Scheme to verify whether they satisfy the provisions of this Manual. Any verification of the utilisation of the assistance granted may preferably be made through the financial institution which financed the applicant unit. A unit which avails assistance under this Scheme shall also be under the obligation to furnish copies of balance sheets, valid license from local body, electricity bills, performance particulars in the prescribed proforma etc every year till the stipulated period before the 31st December of the next financial year, as proof of their functioning.

44.       Any dues on any account of the unit to Government/agency of Government shall be adjusted from the amount sanctioned as eligible assistance to any unit before disbursement of the assistance. Government in the Industries Department will have powers to relax this condition with the concurrence of Finance Department in exceptional cases for the reasons reported by the Director of Industries & Commerce.

45.       The disbursement of the sanctioned assistance to the unit shall be by electronic transfer to the bank account of the unit. The Director of Industries and Commerce shall open an account in a nationalised/scheduled/private/any other bank into which the funds earmarked for ESS for the financial year shall be parked. Each recommending authority shall open a similar bank account with the prior approval of Director of Industries & Commerce. Based on the request of the recommending authority funds will be transferred on a quarterly basis to the bank accounts of the recommending authority. The recommending authority shall disburse the assistance to the entrepreneurs from their bank account to the bank account of the enterprise, based strictly on their seniority. Each recommending authority shall furnish an Utilisation Certificate towards the fund received on a quarterly basis to the Director of Industries & Commerce.

46.       Startup Support: In case of all entrepreneurs who have been sanctioned Term Loan by any Financial Institution against a definite Project Report recommended and forwarded by Industries Department and approved by the Financial Institution, for setting up an industrial unit, the eligible assistance at the rates specified for each category as mentioned in paras 5 to 8 above shall be released to the entrepreneur subject to the following conditions:-

(i)                 The assistance shall be limited to 50% of the eligible assistance under each category as mentioned in paras 5 to 8.
(ii)               The maximum startup support shall be limited to Rs. 3.00 (Three) lakhs.

47.       An entrepreneur who intends to avail the startup support shall apply in duplicate before the General Manager, District Industries Centre in the prescribed application form with the necessary documents and copy of the Project Report. The General Manager shall thereafter within 15 working days prepare a Technical Feasibility Report of the Project and forward the same to the concerned financial institution for sanction of eligible Term Loan. After sanctioning the Term Loan, the financial institution may furnish their recommendation in the prescribed format along with attested copies of the Sanction Letter towards Term Loan and Project Report. 

48.       The General Manager, District Industries Centre shall have full powers for sanctioning startup support. Sanction of the startup support shall be in the prescribed format. An agreement in the prescribed format shall be got executed on stamp paper worth Rs. 100/- by the competent authority representing the unit before the payment effected in favour of the unit. All claims shall be disposed of within 15 days from the date of receipt of completed application failing which a penalty shall be paid to the applicant unit.

49.       Startup support can be disbursed to the unit only through the financing institution concerned. The Bank/financing institution shall disburse the amount to the unit on a pro-rata basis along with the disbursement of term loan. The financial institution shall adjust the start up support against the Principal amount of the Term Loan only.

50.       In case of any reduction and refixation of the loan/Fixed  Capital Investment, proportionate reduction shall be made on the assistance and balance unspent amount, if any, shall be returned to the General Manager, District Industries Centre forthwith by the bank/financing institution. However, the unit shall be liable to pay the interest for the amount so returned by the financial institution till it reaches the General Manager, District Industries Centre. In any case the Bank/financing institution shall complete disbursement of the Term Loan and the startup support amount released to them by the General Manager, District Industries Centre within one year from the date of its receipt.

51.       Entrepreneurs who receive the startup support will be under obligation to commence commercial production of the unit within one year from the date of receipt of startup support and remain continuously working for five years from the date of commencement of commercial production. Any delay in commencing commercial production after the stipulated one year period, shall be intimated to the concerned General Manager, District Industries Centre in writing by the unit within one month prior to the lapse of the stipulated one year period. The maximum period of extension that can be allowed by the General Manager, District Industries Centre shall only be three months.

52.       No collateral security or charge on assets of the unit during the pendency of loan by the unit to financial institutions or banks is required for this assistance. But Government shall have a charge on the industrial assets of the unit, once the assistance is released. The financing institution will advise the General Manager, DIC concerned in writing of their intention of releasing the charges created in their favour in case of full repayment or of taking over the unit in case of default so as to ensure that the assets are not disposed off without the knowledge of the Department if the action proposed is within the stipulated five year period.
53.       Investment Support: All enterprises shall apply for investment support within one year of commencement of commercial production. The District Level committee and State Level Committee shall however be competent to condone delays in individual cases on merits. The District Level Committee may condone delays only up to a period of two years.

54.       All applications shall be made to the respective recommending authority only after starting commercial production. All eligible investments as on date of application for assistance can be admitted for investment support provided the same is envisaged in the original Detailed Project Report irrespective of the date of commencement of commercial production.

55.       Enterprises undertaking expansion, diversification and modernisation shall also be eligible for investment support at the revised rates applicable to each sector. In the case of modernisation, the eligible fixed capital investment for support shall be fixed after deducting the higher of written down value or sale value of the scrapped items. In computing the ceiling the investment support given to the unit, the time it commenced production as a new unit and the course of its expansion etc. including under Central/State Investment Subsidy Scheme shall be considered.

56.       Expansion, diversification to be eligible for investment support should be different from routing replacement. ‘ Modernisation’ refers to replacement of existing machinery with new machinery partially or fully with the same make or with different make. The expansion, diversification and modernisation should have been carried out as per a definite project report, over a predefined period of time. While expansion, diversification and modernisation must result in at least 25% increase in plant and machinery in Gross Block terms, expansion must also result in at least 25% increase in installed capacity.

57.       Eligible investment support at the rates mentioned in paras 5 to 8 above, shall be sanctioned to the unit by the District/State Level Committee after deducting the assistances if any, availed. However, the applicant unit shall be given an opportunity of being heard under proper notice, before a decision is taken by the Committee. All claims shall be disposed of within three months from the date of receipt of completed application failing which a penalty shall be paid to the applicant unit.

58.       Investment support shall be disbursed by the recommending authority through the financing institution which has financed the unit on their executing an agreement with the recommending authority in the prescribed format. If there are more than one such financing institution the amount shall be credited to the term loan lending institution.

59.       Industrial units which receive the investment support will be under obligation to remain working continuously for five years from the date of commencement of commercial production. However, it is necessary that a unit shall be a working one as on date of release of the assistance. Closed down units are not eligible for this assistance.

60.       Technology Support:- All industrial units shall apply for Technology support within six months from the date of commencement of commercial production after installing the new technology. The District Level committee shall however be competent to condone delays in individual cases on merits. The technology support can be claimed by new units or existing units without being a part of the diversification/expansion/modernization programme. The assistance shall be payable for acquiring new technology at the rates mentioned in para 9 above.

61.       The application for technology support shall be filed before the Recommending Authority along with copies of invoices of the machinery acquired in this regard with proofs of payment from the research institutions owned or controlled by Government such as CFTRI, CSIR, DFRL, DRDO, Rubber Board, CTCRI, ICAR, KVK etc. supported with proof towards the payment of consultancy charges, valuation certificate of a Mechanical Engineer not below the rank of an Assistant Executive Engineer of Government Department (Industries, PWD, LSGD, Irrigation, etc) or a Chartered Engineer, Institution of Engineers India/Approved Valuer of Institution of Valuers, India and certificate from the research institutions that the technology is new. Government Engineering Colleges approved by AICTE, institutions under the Council of Science &Technology, universities etc which has Research & Development facilities and which develops technologies for industry shall also be considered as research institutions for the purpose of the Technology Support.

62.       Plant & Machinery for technology upgradation, improvement in packaging, energy conservation and consultancy/technology transfer costs etc shall be considered for this assistance.
63.       The Recommending Authority shall place the application before the District Level Committee for Entrepreneur Support Scheme as mentioned in para 13, for sanctioning technology support. However, the applicant unit shall be given an opportunity of being heard under proper intimation, before a decision is taken by the Committee. All claims shall be disposed of within one month from the date of receipt of completed application failing which a penalty shall be paid to the applicant unit. Sanction of the technology support shall be in the prescribed format. An agreement in the prescribed format shall be got executed on stamp paper worth Rs. 100/- by the competent authority representing the unit before the payment is effected in favour of the unit.

64.       Entrepreneurs who receive the technology support will be under obligation to remain continuously working for five years from the date of commencement of commercial production after installing the new technology.

Part 8
65.       The State Level Committee for Entrepreneur Support Scheme is competent to dispose the appeals, if any, received in the prescribed format against the orders of the District/State Level Committee in case of Investment/Technology Support and even competent to reconsider the decision of the State Level Committee. The State Level Committee is also competent to issue clarifications wherever necessary in respect of Entrepreneur Support Scheme. In case of appeals against the orders of the General Manager, District Industries Centres with regard to startup support the District Level Committee shall be competent to dispose the same.

66.       The Appeals referred in para 65 above shall be filed within 90 days from the date of issue of orders of the General Manager, DIC/District Level Committee/State Level Committee as the case may be and sent to the Member Secretary of the District/State Level Committee concerned. No appeal after this period will be entertained. The Member Secretary shall place the case before the Committee after getting the views of the recommending authority, if found necessary. The appeal shall be disposed of, as far as possible, within three months from the date of receipt of appeal after giving the appellant an opportunity of being heard, wherever necessary.

Part 9
67.       An amount of 2% of the budget allocation under the scheme shall be earmarked and made available for disposal with the Director of Industries & Commerce for allotting to the District/State Level Committees towards administrative expenses and advertisement and publicity costs. The expenses can be met for the purpose of canvassing applicants, hiring of vehicles, associated telephone charges, printing and publishing publicity materials, light refreshments for investor meets. The Director of Industries & Commerce will determine the limits under which such expenses are to be footed.

68.       The fees being collected by the recommending authorities as application fees from the applicant unit may also be utilised for both administrative expenses and advertisement costs. However recommending authority/ Committees shall furnish expenditure particulars to the Director of Industries every quarter and also publish the same in the website.

Part 10
Recoveries and Penalties
69.       Any assistance viz. startup, investment or technology support to an industrial unit is liable to be refunded by the unit with interest at the rate of 14% per annum from the date of receipt of the same, on issue of registered demand notice to the unit by the Recommending/Sanctioning authority on grounds of obtaining assistance by mis-representation, forgery or deception or not found working continuously for five years from its commercial production or in case of units which availed startup support, if the unit is not found to have commenced its commercial production within one year after receipt of assistance. All amounts due to Government under this provision shall, in case of default, be recoverable as if they are arrears of land revenue under the provisions of the Kerala Revenue Recovery Act, 1968 or in such other manner as Government may deem fit. Sufficient opportunity to show cause in writing shall however be granted to the units before a demand is raised against it.

70.       If an authorised officer of the Recommending/Sanctioning authority is found to have delayed processing of application or disbursing of claim on approved cases deliberately, the Director of Industries & Commerce shall be competent to levy and recover a fine of Rs. 500.00 (Five hundred) per day for each day of such delay determined subject to a maximum of Rs. 10,000.00 (Ten thousand) from the salary of the delinquent and award it as cost to the applicant unit. An opportunity of hearing shall be given to the officer concerned before such damages are realised. This shall not count as disciplinary action under Kerala Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1960 etc.
Part 11
71.       The application, other certificates, agenda note, sanction letters, agreement etc. shown separately as annexures shall form part of the Manual.

I.                         List of Priority Industries
II.                      Negative List
III.                   Format of the Application for assistance under Entrepreneur Support Scheme
IV.                   Format of Recommendation of the Financial Institution for Startup Support
V.                      Format of Proceedings to sanction Startup Support
VI.                   Format of the Agreement for Startup Support
VII.          Format of the Certificate of Valuation of the Engineer towards Land Development Costs/Building
VIII.       Format of the Certificate of Valuation of the Engineer towards Fixed Capital Investments
IX.                   Format of the Certificate of Valuation of the Engineer towards Electrification Costs
X.                      Format of the Agenda Note for sanctioning Investment Support
XI.                   Format of the Sanction Letter for Investment Support
XII.          Format of the Agreement for Investment Support
XIII.       Format of the Agenda Note for sanctioning Technology Support
XIV.       Format of Proceedings to sanction Technology Support
XV.          Format of the Agreement for Technology Support
XVI.       Format for Appeal
XVII.    Format of the Performance Particulars of unit

            The list of industries mentioned in this annexure under priority sector is not exhaustive and industries may be added from time to time, if found to be part of the respective sectors and part of the priority sector.

(“Any industrial unit utilising natural rubber as raw material cost of which is at least 25% of the total cost or raw materials used for the manufacture of end product will be treated as rubber based industries”. Natural rubber is ‘the form of latex, centrifuges, latex, skimmed latex, scrump, creeps sheet or blocks (scrump) will be treated as natural rubber’. Activities like powdering of rubber products are excluded from this purview).
1.         Rubberised cloth
2.         Canvas hoses
3.         All tyres-cycle, cycle rickshaw and car, truck etc.
4.         All tubes, tubes flaps-cycle, cycle rickshaw and car, truck etc.
5.         Camel back Tyre re-treading materials (except cold curing type materials procured)
6.         Moulded rubber soles and heals for footwear (except for captive consumption)
7.         All gloves – and other dipped goods
8.         Hot water bags – rubber
9.         Ice bags – rubber
10.       Rubber balloons & rubber bands
11.       Rubber hose
12.       Rubberised canvas hose pipes
13.       Rubber tubes
14.       Rubber washers
15.       Oil seals rubber
16.       Rubber thread (except base rubber thread of ever heat resisting rubber thread)
17.       Rubber eraser
18.       Hard rubber battery containers
19.       “o” rings – rubber and automobile rubber parts
20.       Latex foam & latex foam products (except synthetic rubber cots and aprons and    lubricating pads)
21.       Micro cellular sheets
22.       Other dipped latex products except contraceptives
23.       Spares for medical and surgical apparatus and sweets.
24.       Rubberised coir mats, mattresses etc.
25.       Centrifuged latex
26.       Rubber parts for sports goods
27.       Crape rubber, crumb rubber, rubber belts (conveys and V bolts)
28.       Rubber based adhesives
29.       Cables
30.       Rubber tiling/flooring
31.       Rubber mats
32.       Latex based adhesives
33.       Latex threads
34.       Toy balloons, rubber band gloves
35.       Automobile rubber components
36.       Rubber rollers
37.       Rubberised fabrics
38.       Tyre flaps
39.       Battery containers
40.       Rubber backed coir mats
41.       Oil seals
42.       Rubber component for electronic industry
43.       Hot water bottles
44.       Hospital and industrial sheeting
45.       Rubber play balls


(Agro-based industries are those industries which depend on agricultural products as raw materials)
1.         Rice Mill
2.         Oil and other products from coconut
3.         Extraction of essential oil
4.         Cattle feed and Poultry Feed
5.         Starch manufacturing from Tapioca
6.         Wheat powder
7.         Raggy powder
8.         Straw Board
9.         De-fibering of coconut husk
10.       Turmeric powder
11.       Ginger oil/Oleoresins
12.       Turmeric oil
13.       Curry Powder
14.       Bottling of coconut water as soft drink/coconut milk/coconut cream/descicated      coconut/coconut limca.
15.       Coconut shell powder
16.       Coconut hair oil
17.       Banana processing
18.       Black gram powder
19.       Canning of vegetables and fruits
20.       Cashew nut shell liquid
21.       Clarified fruit juices
22.       Coffee powder
23.       Corn flakes
24.       De-hydration of fruits and vegetables
25.       Rice Flakes (Aval)
26.       Fruit Bars
27.       Groundnut oil
28.       Instant pickles
29.       Mushroom processing
30.       Wine/brandy from cashew/apples/banana
33.       White pepper powder
34.       Coconut cream powder
35.       Products from coir fiber
36.       Tapioca rava
37.       Activated carbon
38.       Fresh milk processing other than dairy farm
39.       Milk powder
40.       Tea powder

(Any industry whose end products is utilized for the consumption including processing purification and refining of edible oils).    
1.         Ice cream
2.         Pickles and chutneys
3.         Vinegar
4.         Dal Milling
5.         Bread
6.         Pastry
7.         Confectionery
8.         All edible oil milling processing and refining
9.         Poultry feed, cattle feed except in pellet form
10.       Ground and processed spices
11.       Tapioca sago and other Tapioca products
12.       Banana Powder, chips and other products
13.       Synthetic syrups
14.       Milling and processing of spices & curry powder
15.       Glucose
16.       Soft drinks
17.       Fruit preservation and processing
18.       Semi processed and packed food materials
19.       Pappad
20.       Fish processing and curing
21.       Meat processing and preservation
22.       Biscuits
23.       Instant noodles
24.       Bakery and allied products
25.       Vermicelli

(Any industrial unit manufacturing garments of any variety from cotton, synthetic and blended fibre, silk and wool will be treated as a garment, manufacturing unit)

(Industries which manufacture equipments and machinery for generating power from non-conventional sources of energy viz. wind, tides, solar, geo-thermal heat, biomass including farm and animal waste)

(Industries that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses to develop products for manufacturing purpose. Modern use of similar terms includes genetic engineering as well as cell and tissue culture technologies)
  1. Antibiotics
  2. Fermented beverages
  3. Fermented foods
  4. Recombinant proteins
  5. Biogas
  6. Biohydrogen
  7. Biopolymer
  8. BioSteel
  9. Butanol
  10. Ethanol fuel
(Units undertaking to export their entire production of goods and service as per the Export – Import Policy)

(Industries that manufacture plastics which will decompose in natural aerobic (composting) and anaerobic (landfill) environments)
1.      Polyanhydrides
  1. Polyvinyl alcohol
  2. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)
  3. Polylactic acid (PLA)
  4. Polybutylene succinate (PBS)
  5. Polycaprolactone (PCL)

(Industries that use the process of recovering scrap or waste plastic and reprocessing the material into useful products, sometimes completely different in form from their original state)

(Industries that produce bio fertilizers. Bio fertilizers are substances that contain living microorganisms which, enrich soil fertility and fulfill plant nutrient requirements by supplying the organic nutrients through microorganism and their byproducts)
  1. Rhizobium
  2. Azotobacter
  3. Azospirillum
  4. Blue green algae (BGA)


Negative list: units which are ineligible for any financial assistance/loan/exemption/ subsidy from the State Government

1.         Service Enterprises
2.         Photo Studios and Colour Processing Centres
3.         Tailoring other than manufacturing of readymade garments
4.         Breweries and Distilleries of all types
5.         Saw mills
6.         Soap Grade Sodium Silicate
7.         Asbestos processing except units in respect of which the quantum of asbestos used in the production process is less than 25% and environmental and occupational health hazards have been taken care of to the satisfaction of authorities concerned.
8.         Metal Crushers including Granite Manufacturing units
9.         All types of Steel Re rolling Mills, Units manufacturing iron ingots,
10.       Calcium Carbide
11.       Cement manufacturing except units manufacturing cement from fly ash
12.       Potassium Chlorate
13.       Cashew industrial units
14.       Power intensive units based on electro thermal/electro chemical processor units where total power requirements exceeds 5000 KVA of contract load or where the cost of power is more than 33% of cost of production of the items manufactured except where the units generate their power requirement in excess of 5000 KVA of contract load by own captive power.